A 2023 study conducted by the Texas Department of Transportation found that motorcycle accidents are on the rise and shared some startling statistics.
If you or a loved one has been in a traffic accident involving a motorcycle, you may need a lawyer to represent your best interests in negotiations with the responsible party or even in court.
You should consider hiring an attorney if you are dealing with any of these challenges.
An experienced attorney like Steven R. Guy can help you navigate the legal process to get the outcome you deserve.
You do everything you can to prevent serious accidents: drive defensively, wear appropriate protective gear, and obey all traffic laws. Sometimes, however, there is no escaping a crash.
If you’ve been injured in a motorcycle accident, you deserve compensation.
Get the compensation you deserve with the expert help of the legal team at Steven R. Guy, Attorney at Law. We have the experience and expertise to analyze the unique circumstances of your case to identify and capitalize on all applicable damages.
When looking for an attorney to represent your interests in a motorcycle accident lawsuit, experience is your most important asset.
Our legal team has decades of experience handling motorcycle accident cases effectively.
Steven R. Guy has the experience you need to recover what was lost in your motorcycle accident so you can build a better future for yourself and your loved ones.
Call our office at 903.586.2595 to schedule a complimentary consultation. Our skilled legal team will carefully review your case to develop a legal strategy—and you won't pay anything unless we win.